
  • Saturday 13 April from 5 to 7:30 pm
  • 0 registered student

How to finally understand what to do to have a solid anchor. What are the different actions to take to be able to maintain a balance for a long time. We will experience through various exercises body cohesion with the connection to the ground. Whether the posture is on the feet, hands or head, the actions are the same and once integrated they apply to all postures.
A technique that can help in all styles of yoga to understand the connections between the ground and Mula Bandha.

Registration :
Fee 30 euros out of Pass or Card


Technical explanations on grounding and how to achieve it. Experience the different actions involved in the process of connecting to the earth and practicing body cohesion to keep a strong and stable posture. Gradual, step-by-step work builds a strong, balanced and comfortable posture.

The progressive work of the jump through jump back technique of the ashtanga allows an understanding of the connection between the anchor and Mula Bandha.