Ashtanga & Vinyasa 200h

  • 2025 May 11th to 23rd
  • 2 registered students

Intensive Yoga training course with study, practice and deepening of the Vinyasa Krama system, energetic and facial anatomy, applied philosophy, Ayurveda and teaching.
Shankara has been teaching internships for over 15 years and Hubert has been teaching for so long. Their approach is deep and precise, they both experienced the energetic and subtle dimensions of the practice. Their love of Yoga and its transmission leads you to explore spaces until then unknown.

Aspiring to greatly deepen your understanding of Yoga  Practice in modern times and gain the tools and skills to share it with others in a safe and trusting way?
Looking to develop your yoga practice within a traditional framework while taking a journey of self-discovery and personal growth?
This course is for anyone with a genuine interest in learning.
Arrival may 11 departure may 23.
More infos please send us your questions

The course will take place in Sattva Yoga Shala 75 promenade Marie Paradis 74400 Chamonix Mont Blanc

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga TT 2024

Share a rich and intense yogic experience and learn to teach it.

– We will explore the Ashtanga and Vinyasa Krama methodology
-Breathing, Bandha/Posture, Gaze and Vinyasa Krama. Understanding the importance of these principles, their role in the good development of the physical practice, and also how they bring steady development and harmony of all aspects of being.
-Exploring the sequencing of the Mysore Ashtanga Tradition along with other posture sequences from traditional sources, to carry these roots into your practice and teaching.
-Preventing and dealing with injury, both in ourselves and in others through good understanding of yoga asana and body mechanics. This will involve a study of the basics of fascial meridians and their role in bio-mechanics.
-We will develop an eye for reading into another’s posture and alignment within the practice. -An in depth study of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and other pertinent texts.
-Developing sensitivity through touch and learning the art of making adjustments with healing hands. -Communication and the art of teaching. Learning to transmit basic knowledge of the practice within the context of a guided class.
-Meditation and awareness through movement.
-Basics of nutrition, Initiation to Ayurveda and healthy living.
-The teacher student relationship, and the ethical implications for the teacher.
-And much more…

Requirements to obtain the 200h YTT Sattva Yoga and Yoga Alliance certificate:
– Compulsory attendance at all classes of the two intensive courses, no absence allowed.
– Return of homework on time after each course, no delay will be accepted.
– Effective progression of knowledge and practice between session 1 (first year) and session 2 (second year)

Training in Chamonix Mont Blanc over two years: 
Prices: 2 weeks of internship or 100 hours the first year
1210 euros two weeks with reservation until April 10
1360 euros two weeks with a reservation from April 11

The complete training takes place over two two-week sessions, for a total of 200 contact hours, next session takes place the year after at the same period.

The price of the reservation is 310 euros.
Number of places limited to 16 people for the training course.

General conditions of sales and cancellations
To cancel the registration to the course, it will be admissible only by phone confirmed by an e-mail.
– If the cancellation occurs after reception of the deposit, no refund will be made, but we can keep the deposit for the next session.
– If the cancellation occurs after reception of the total price, the refund will be as below on the total sum paid : 1) More than 60 days before the start of the service, 80% refund 2) From the 31st to the 60th day before the start of the service, 50% refund 3) From 0 to 30 days before the beginning of the service, no refund will be granted.


Hatha / Vinyasa / Ashtanga / Restorative

Daily program

7:30 Pranayama Meditation Asana practie
10:15 pause
10:30 workshop
12:30 lunch
14:00 workshop
17:00 end of the day

    115H of technique, practical training

  • Technical analysis, how to practice and teach
  • The 5 types of postures (standing poses, flexions, extensions, twists, inversions)
  • Guided and demonstrated practices and techniques
  • Study, practice and teaching of pranayama and meditation20H of anatomy, physiology
  • Study of the physical and energetic human body (Chakras, Nadis …)
  • Study of the benefits and contraindications of postures and movements
  • Application to a yoga practice conscious physically and energetically
  • The therapeutic and restorative aspect

30H philosophy

  • History of Yoga and its philosophy
  • Study of texts (Sutras, Gita, Pradipika …)
  • Lifestyle, practice of Ahimsa, awareness of Karma and Dharma
  • Yoga Teacher’s Ethics, Relationships to Student and Community
  • The concept of service, as a teacher to serve the student

  25H of pedagogy

  • Group dynamics, time management and priorities and goals
  • How to address personalized advice within a group
  • The use of different tools, the voice, the look, the adjustment …
  • Principles of demonstration, observation, how to assist and correct
  • Different teaching styles (basic principles and their extensions)
  • The qualities of the teacher, the teacher to student relationship
  • The student’s learning process, physical and psychological
  • The financial aspect, the marketing and the laws concerning the teaching of Yoga.10 hours of teaching
  • Teach yourself
  • Give and receive advice and feedback
  • Observe other teachers during their classes
  • Assist students as a teacher teaches
Frédéric GOUJON
Stéphanie di Peri

What are the prerequisites?
A minimum of two years of intensive practice is required for each student.
Each request will be studied.

Is on-site housing mandatory?
No it is not mandatory, this is recommended for reasons of group cohesion but everyone is free to sleep where he wishes. Be aware that accommodation conditions are very affordable for Chamonix. In addition there are only 14 beds available on site, so it is possible that some of you will have to rent rooms elsewhere.

Is lunch obligatory?
Yes it is mandatory so that no one loses time during the lunch break and everyone can take a break. the meal is studied to purify ourselves and optimize our physical abilities and concentration. These are exclusively vegetarian meals. You have the opportunity to eat what you want in the morning after practice and in the evening time.

Is it possible to cook on site?
Yes you have a common kitchen for all the cottage, as well as three bathrooms and two toilets.

What should you bring?
Bring your mat, rugs, brick, strap, Yoga towel and a meditation shawl. The Yoga sutra of Patanjali, the Bhagavad Gita, an anatomy book. Warm winter clothes for the winter session and lighter clothes for the spring session, with warm clothes to cover. Also take good walking shoes and a good sense of humor.
You do not need to take sheets or towels if you stay at the Glacier des Glaciers.