September 2024

Namaskar Sadhakas,

Yoga glacier chamonix meditation stage cours

© Pascal Tournaire & Hubert de Tourris

The sun having filled our bodies with energy, we can slowly prepare ourselves for this new year of practice that is coming.
It is with great joy that we will resume classes together from Monday, September 2nd. You will find all your classes on the usual Timetable of weekly classes.

This year we are offering you a Workshop starting on November 13th. Every two weeks you will have access to a Philosophical class of an hour and a half in order to give you the basics of the fundamental texts of Yoga. It is obviously advisable to come to all the classes that will take place on November 13th and 27th then on December 11th and January 8th for the French version. We will start with an exclusively French version to be able to be clear and quick in its understanding. Then the English version will follow from January 22nd on February 5th and 19th and March 5th so that our English-speaking friends can also understand clearly. It is possible that places are limited depending on the number of interested parties, which is why you will be asked to register for these courses. The price will be the same as a normal course and you will be able to use your usual card. We will cover the different texts such as the Yoga Sutras, the Samkhya Karika, the Bagavad Gita and will discuss the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Advaita Vedanta, but also the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Guerandha Samhita, all situated in the historical context. For those who are discovering, want to know more or who are revising their knowledge.

Of course, September is the month of the exceptional offer of the Yearly Pass! You will therefore have the opportunity to take a year unlimited pass from September 1st to September 30th only. Look on the Courses pages on the website or come and see us from September 2nd in the shala.

Workshops will be offered from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, September 14 for a “hip opening” workshop, Saturday, October 12 for a “spine extension” workshop, Saturday, November 23 for an “inversions” workshop. We will offer other workshops later on, Pranayama, psychic development, deep relaxation and yoga Nidra. You will find the workshops on the site to reserve your places.

The practice consists of constant listening and observation of what is inside, so that what is outside resonates correctly.

See you soon,
Om Namah Shivaya


  • CLASSES: If you cannot come to the studio look at the Online Timetable for your online classes and benefit from the courses that suit you (follow the order process to the end). For lessons at the shala see the timetable. Private lessons take place face to face upon request.
  • WORKSHOPS : Saturdays from 5:30pm to 8pm
    14 September « Hip opening »
    12 October « Spine extension »
    23 November « Inversions »
  • RETREATS : Wenesday from 6pm to 7:30pm
    In French  13th & 27th Novembre, 11th December and 8th January.
    In English  22th January, 5th & 19th February and 5th March.
    Ashtanga & Vinyasa training from 11th to 23th of May 2025, contact us
    Hatha & Vinyasa training from June 8th to 20th, 2025, contact us

    © Pascal Tournaire & Hubert de Tourris

  • SHOP :
    We received new mats, thick and thin Mysore cotton rugs are in stock. You will find everything you need for your Yoga and Ayurveda practice on the online store.
    The French translation of the book “Astanga Yoga As It Is” by Matthew Sweeney is finally published, do not hesitate to order it during your lessons or on the shop of the site.
    The “Yoga & Mountain Balance” book by Pascal Tournaire and myself that Guerin editions have done us the honor of editing is still available at Shala or on the online shop french version. Enjoy reading.