Email address and preferences
Sattva Yoga Chamonix uses your email address and your preferences to send you the newsletters that interest you, in the language you want.
Sattva Yoga Chamonix can also notify you when your card or pass approaches its end of validity date.
Finally, on an exceptional basis, Sattva Yoga Chamonix may communicate or ask you information about trainings, workshops or another specific event.
Apart from the above cases, Sattva Yoga Chamonix will protect your privacy and will never communicate your personal information without your explicit consent.
Knowing how you navigate throught this site and with which browser and device are key informations to offer you the best experience possible.
These personal browsing information will never be collected for a goal different from the improvement of this website.
Sattva Yoga Chamonix dismisses commercial targeting and will never send you any advertisement.