Pranayama is the fourth member of the Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali after Yama, Niyama (ethics, discipline) comes Asana, Pranayama, the postural experience and the exploration of the energy body. Prana is the vital energy called chi in Chinese and ki in Japanese. Here we follow the teachings of Dharma Mittra, BKS Iyengar, Sivananda, Sri K Pattabhi Jois, Shalendra Shrama of Kriya Yoga (Yoga of Babaji open only to insiders).
Yoga breathing techniques allow for development of breathing capacity, improved energy awareness and especially mind control. When we practice yoga we learn to see that breathing is mastering the mind. This is to sit still, working at a subtler level and paying attention to what happens when you control the breath. The intention of this style is to keep the body relaxed with an upright spine without tension, connect the mind with the breath, a communion with the divine, and an experience of the consciousness of the vital energy.
During this course we can also address meditation in different forms in accordance with the needs and capacities of each.
An example of yogic breathing given by Dharma Mittra:
And now a meditation as a support having breathing: