
  • Saturday 22 March 2025 from 17:30 to 20:00
  • 11 registered students
  • The total number of available beds is reached. We can propose reasonable alternatives in the surroundings for the bedding. Please contact us.

Pranayama workshop in the classroom or online, the development of awareness of breath and vital energy Saturday March 22, 2025 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Price 30 euros Register here.
We will experiment with different breathing techniques with their explanations and move towards the fundamental practice of pranayama, the one that gives access to the keys to the physical body, the energetic body and the mental body.
An experience not to be missed in order to understand and integrate useful and fundamental tools for balanced development.

An advanced Yoga practice yet accessible to all. Register here.

Gradual exploration of different yogic breathing techniques with mantra meditation and visualization.
Then practice of more advanced development, take a cushion and a meditation shawl.

Stéphanie Di Peri
Nathalie Raulet
Rahi Golshan
Nicole Moret Villa
Nathalie Beugé
Eric Chassagnolle
Corinne Carpentier
Marie Françoise Polette
Vera Guillaux
Weijing Grandchamp
Myriam Vincent